UserGuiding’s signup process is a customization blast

UserGuiding’s signup process is a customization blast

UserGuiding onboards users with a fun customization step.

In its initial signup process, UserGuiding uses a step where users get to pick out some custom elements for their use. Users can pick their own brand colors and button shapes as a starter in customization and can later continue customization more inside the tool.

userguiding signup process customization

Why it’s great:

Importance of branding - By showcasing the importance they put in branding, UserGuiding makes sure to welcome users properly from the get-go. It subtly says, “we care for your branding here.”

Fun without overwhelming - Putting a fun step like customization in the early stages of onboarding gives a sense of ease to the users and bypasses the often exhausting process of signup.

Early interactivity - Being able to play around with the tool in the very first steps can make an important difference in user experience and engagement rates while also being true to the brand principle of high-interactivity UserGuiding stands for.