Slack’s customization modal is a fun little ride

Slack’s customization modal is a fun little ride

Slack walks users through a customization modal of 8 steps, starting with a tooltip alerting the users about the preference setting opportunity.

Slack walks users through a customization modal of 8 steps, starting with a tooltip alerting the users about the preference setting opportunity. Though there are quite a large number of preferences to make, the options are kept to a maximum of three.

Why it’s great:

Tooltip before the main modal - Showing users a tiny, non-intrusive tooltip before stalling their session with a big modal is a great practice, especially for a big tool like Slack.

Long but concise steps - Although there are more than ideal steps in the flow, each step has a maximum of three options. This way, the completion rates are higher even when the flow is long.

Animations for higher intuitiveness - Because users get to see gifs and animations in the modal, it becomes somehow interactive, making the onboarding process more meaningful and positive for users.