Netflix’s famous 3-step signup onboarding is as simple as it can be. First, users enter their email address and password, then choose a plan and payment method. And finally, to start watching right away, Netflix asks users to choose 3 shows they like.
✅ Quick and painless - Netflix’s famous 3-step signup onboarding is quick and painless if not anything else. It doesn’t jump from screen to screen nor does it use too many onboarding UX patterns.
✅ Super personal - Even though the onboarding is short, Netflix remembers to include personalization in it. In fact, even getting users’ email addresses is about personalization since the recommended shows are sent via email.
✅ Easy to navigate - Netflix needs no skip button for its signup onboarding since it is super short and all the info is vital. It only has a “next” button for navigation which is more than enough.