Inside LinkedIn’s feed, users are prompted with a survey asking them how respectful and welcoming the feed is. The survey has five options, and there is a reassurance at the very bottom stating that the answers won’t be shared with the users’ network.
✅ Good wording of the title - LinkedIn’s survey title says “we want to hear from you” which is a very encouraging way of asking a question. This helps users feel more empowered in their contribution to the survey.
✅ Not intrusive at all - Because the survey is disguised as another post on the users’ feed, LinkedIn’s survey is possibly the least intrusive type of surveying one could come across.
✅ Kept short for maximum participation - The question and the rest of the copy are pretty short for a survey and thus maximize the participation rates. This is a good practice also because it makes it easier to understand when the copy is concise as such.