Jira’s empty state is way less disappointing than a 404-page

Jira’s empty state is way less disappointing than a 404-page

Jira's empty state makes sure to not frustrate the users after not being able to reach a page.

Jira uses a fun icon and copy for their empty states on pages that could not be  displayed. The empty state has a close button even though it is a mobile experience, making it more user friendly.

jira empty state

Why it’s great:

Fun copy - The copy that reads “well, this is awkward” takes away the frustration of not being able to access the page.

Visual support - The little doodle of a lock and a key looks irrelevant but it actually visualizes the possibility that the page might be restricted.

Close button - The close button makes it easier for users to go back, even though it is a mobile experience where they can close the screen by swiping right.