Impulse’s user segmentation is fun to fill in

Impulse’s user segmentation is fun to fill in

Impulse segments users with a fun signup flow.

Impulse is an app that offers daily puzzles to help users keep their brains sharp, and in the first sign-up, they do a pretty good job of segmenting users. The sign-up flow is made up of three steps that introduce users to the app, and then another three steps to segment them.

impulse onboarding flow
impulse onboarding
impulse mobile app onboarding
impulse mobile app user segmentation
mobile app user segmentation impulse
user segmentation impulse

Why it’s great:

Colorful and fun - The number one quality of the flow is the fact that it is colorful with illustrations and fun to go through with interesting questions with emojis.

Short and progress-indicative - The first part of the onboarding makes use of a progress bar, but the lack of it in the second half barely makes it harder for the users since the copy and the sequence itself are short and concise.

Good CTAs - The calls to action, both in the copy and on the buttons, make a difference in getting users to progress further with the app.