Expensify’s sign-up onboarding is unexpectedly fun for a financing app

Expensify’s sign-up onboarding is unexpectedly fun for a financing app

Expensify, a mobile app, onboards first-time users using fun onboarding elements.

Expensify generally has a very fun UI, the first setup of the account is even done in a part of the app called concierge as if you walked into a fancy bank. The sign-up onboarding starts after the users type in their email address, then other questions for user segmentation and personalization are asked.

expensify signup onboarding

Why it’s great:

Fun UI - The “concierge” and the smooth flow of each question makes the app and the sign-up onboarding quite fun, which is something anyone would want for their apps.

Visuals - The visuals are a nice touch in the sign-up onboarding process. Since each step features fun illustrations, users are left wondering and excited for what’s next.

Limited options and good copy - It is a known trick to keep options limited makes the onboarding flow run more smoothly, and Expensify does exactly that. Moreover, the friendly and short copy is a great way to greet newcomers.