Discord’s slideout modal is concise (and cute)

Discord’s slideout modal is concise (and cute)

Discord uses a slideout modal in-app to offer to connect to the PlayStation network.

Discord uses a slideout modal in-app to offer to connect to the PlayStation network. The slideout modal covers one third of the screen without completely obstructing the entire screen. The modal also features a tiny illustration.

Why it’s great:

Less intrusive - Because it is a slideout modal, Discord keeps the intrusiveness to the UX to a minimum. The modal disappears when tapped outside of it.

Fun copy - Discord knows that most of its users use the platform for gaming communication, and acknowledging that makes the opportunities for fun copy like the one in the example endless.

Cute illustration - While the copy is already fairly short and precise, having an illustration that will catch the users’ attention makes the digestibility of the modal even higher.