Canva’s contextual tooltips meet users where they are
With contextual tooltips featuring short copy and small icons, Canca meets users where they are, when they are available.
Canva uses contextual tooltips to let users know of new features or functionalities without disrupting their in-app experience. Placed inside the sidebar of Canva’s editor, the tooltips feature icons or images along with short-form copy.
✅ Contextual - Putting the new feature tooltip inside an editor sidebar where users will be visiting and where the new feature becomes relevant is a great strategy to increase adoption rates.
✅ Short copy - Because Canva uses short, friendly copy, the tooltip becomes even more digestible.
✅ Non-disruptive - The contextual strategy helps make the tooltip less disruptive, but also because it doesn't pop up and is prompted alongside an element users will open themselves, the tooltip is extra non-disruptive.